Monday, February 11, 2008

Diamond Dog Food

Diamond Dog Food Contains Aflatoxin That Could Even
Kill Your Dog

Of late, Diamond dog food has been in the news for all the wrong
reasons because this particular brand of dog food has been linked
to more than one hundred canine deaths mainly because it contains
Aflatoxin that is a potentially harmful toxin. This Aflatoxin is quite
like Vomitoxin that is also toxic and which came to the public’s
attention as being part of the brand of dog foods called Nature’s

Liver Trouble And Possible Death

The problem with Diamond dog food is that because it contains
Aflatoxin, it can lead canines to suffer from liver failure and also
liver trouble and it may even cause them to die as a result of
having consumed such dog food. In fact, there have been five
formulate used in various Diamond dog food products that have
needed to be recalled because they involved the presence of
Aflatoxin, and there were also as many as twenty-four states in
the country and twenty Diamond dog food products that were
adversely impacted by such recall.

However, it should not be assumed that all Diamond dog foods
are contaminated because in fact this recall is more of an isolated
case and is the first recall affecting Diamond in more than
thirty-five years of its operation though there is certainly reason
to be concerned by the recall of Diamond Pet Food because it
only helps to highlight how important is the need to feed your pet
dog with the proper quality of dog food.

In case you have fed your pet dog with Diamond dog food and it is
beginning to show clinical signs of Aflatoxin, you must immediately
stop feeding your pet with such food and also consult a
veterinarian for more advice on the matter. Some of the symptoms
that may be seen after your dog has eaten Diamond dog food are
abrupt and strange loss of appetite, discoloration of urine and
becoming feverish as well showing yellow in the whites of the eyes,
and more.

The major problem with some Diamond dog foods is that they
contain Aflatoxin that is a natural chemical byproduct which occurs
because of the growth on corns and some other crops of a fungus
named Aspergillus flavus. There are serious consequences for your
dog if he is fed Diamond dog food that contains Aflatoxin since,
according to scientists, as many as seventy-five percent of dogs
that are affected by this toxin will die as a consequence of the
symptoms of this toxin.

So, if you have Diamond dog food, play it safe and stop feeding
your pet with any of it and switch over to a safer dog food instead.

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