Monday, February 11, 2008

Diabetes Blood Sugar Levels

Monitoring Diabetes Blood Sugar Levels Can Save Your Life

Diabetes and blood sugar levels are two phrases which you will hear
almost every day of your life when you are diagnosed as a diabetic.
Although there is a diabetes that is a result of the brain not being
able to handle it's brain insulin, it's so new that not much is known
about it, let alone monitoring yourself for it. This is about Types 1
and 2 diabetes, where your blood sugar levels will become as
necessary to monitor several times a day.

Normal Levels

Be sure your doctor lets you know what your normal blood sugar
levels should be before and after each meal. You could write them
down on a chart or an index card and stick them either with your
blood glucose meter or on the refrigerator. The point is – put it
where you can see it and compare your normal levels to what is on
your meter several times a day.

The National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse
(I am not kidding about the name) has put out a chart of normal
blood sugar levels for diabetes patients. Double check these
number ranges with your doctor before you start using them as
your basis of blood sugar normality. Also know how to use your
blood glucose monitor, because you will have to do the tests by
yourself many times a day. You will soon get the hang of it with

After feeding your blood glucose monitor a drop of blood from your
finger, it will blink and then flash a number at you. You don't have
to know exactly what the numbers represent in order to keep track
of blood sugar levels for diabetes patients. These are the normal
numbers of blood sugar levels for diabetics:

Before breakfast (when you wale up): 80 to 120
Before meals: 80 to 120
Two hours after meals: 160 or less
At bedtime: 100 to 140

If these blood sugar levels for diabetes patients are way off, you
need to act FAST. Do whatever your doctor says you should do
in this situation – usually eat something and sit down. You might
have to give yourself an emergency insulin injection. If you are
unsure, call the hospital or call for help right away. A usual
symptom of problems with your blood sugar levels is disorientation
and confusion, so don’t try to take care of it all by yourself.

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